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NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home
NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home

From tips on preserving food and cutting down on bills to caring about the environment and your local community, these are our 7 best tips on reducing waste at home

Words: Aleksandra Georgieva

Photography: Ellieelien, Kelsey Curtis, Suhyeon Choi, Alexandra Lammerink, Content Pixie, Zachary Keimig

23 December 2020


We live in times of working from home and caring about the environment has never been more pressing before. As more people adapt to spending the majority of their days within their flats and houses, limiting waste becomes a necessity that not everyone has thought of before. In this guide we explore ways to cut down on your spending and take better care of the environment and your local community. From tips on shopping to creative ways to use waste, advice on improving your cooking and recommendations on how to take better care of nature as well as yourself, these are our 7 best tips on how to limit your waste at home.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Use it all up. 

Food waste is among the biggest problems of the modern world. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations estimates that 1.3 million tonnes of food is wasted globally each year, equivalent to a third of the food produced for human consumption. Every small step in reducing this number is crucial. Buy only as much food as you can eat and make sure to use all your ingredients at home whether to spice up an old recipe or to create a whole new dish.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Let natural daylight in. 

Not only will this tip bring down your electricity costs but it will also benefit the planet. Think of Earth Hour and put the habit of switching off your lights to daily practice. Natural sunlight is not only means to limit your domestic bills but also a vital natural source of vitamin D for your organism.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Shop in season. 

Another tip on creating better food related habits is to be aware what you buy. Shopping seasonal fruits and vegetables equals a better planet with less pollution in the process of transportation. Shopping seasonal also means buying fresh produce that hasn't been artificially processed and could support your local community or smaller farmers

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Care to compost. 

Whatever bio waste you generate, you can easily compost. If you have plants or a garden, you can make your own nutrient dense fertiliser. Simply wrap leftover veggies such as cucumbers in paper or cardboard and mix with soil. Not only is this a natural way to nurture your plants and veggies but it also benefits microorganisms and ecosystem in the ground.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Give new life to your possesions. 

Carrying out seasonal cleaning and getting rid of things you don't need is always freeing. But before you throw your old possessions away, think of how you can reuse them. Perhaps you could give new life to that old furniture or gift it to a friend that could be creative with it.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Think of natural ingredients. 

While it may be difficult to find all-natural cosmetic products, it is important to consider their effects upon ourselves and the environment. Artificial ingredients are soaked up through human skin reaching the bloodstream. Not only can they cause health hazards but when washed off, the chemicals travel from domestic drains straight into landfill causing major ecosystem distortion. In turn, harming the environment circulates right back to nearly every aspect of human life.

NOMADSofORIGIN Magazine l How to Limit Your Waste at Home


Limit your car use. 

While you must've heard this one countless times before, it is one of the best advices on how to limit your negative impact on the planet, although outside of your home. Consider walking, riding a bike or taking the train to work and to the shops. While this last advice may not focus on your domestic waste, it certainly plays a major role in taking care to create a healthier planet for the future generations of home-lovers and travellers to inherit.




NOMADSofORIGIN is an independent annual publication with a focus on sustainable travelling and global cultural values. Each issue features interviews, engaging articles and photo guides, which take our nomadic readers through different destinations and introduce them to local people's perspectives.



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