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Endangered by numerous factors, oceans need our urgent attention. These are some fast facts & figures on the importance of healthy Blue Economy for the sake of global cultural preservation

Words: Aleksandra Georgieva

Photography: Will McCue

16 January 2019

Ocean issues affect all marine and land life on the planet. Extreme exploitation puts them in daily dangers. Gaining awareness of the problems is the first step towards generating vital protection. Endangered marine life has a direct, harmful effect on human communities. The livelihood of all those, who live by ocean or sea coasts is damaged in various aspects. From the food, to the tourist, and business industry, people struggle. Contamination of the food chain alongside pollution of inland areas due to dirty oceans is a global catastrophe that puts people’s lives in danger. On planet Earth everything is connected - from the ‘Blue Economy’ to that of the billions of people who benefit from the global interactions between land and the oceans.

NOMADSofORIGIN wants to highlight the vital link between land and marine life. Our editorial team introduces the readers to the critic situation alongside the effortless ways to get involved in resolving some of the global ocean crises. Yet, for all online followers here are some fast facts and figures about marine threats and their cultural connections.

Catastrophic oceans - ORIGIN Magazine

  • Did you know that oceans formulate the largest living space on Earth? Up to 70% of the planet surface is covered with water. This makes marine resources vital for the survival and flourishing of land life.

  • Oceans also produce half of the oxygen on the planet and absorb a quarter of the carbon dioxide emissions that people and the environment.

  • Marine tourism secures roughly 200 million jobs globally. WWF expands on the issue with the negative tourism impacts and the ways to reduce them.

  • Some of the main causes of damage are pollution, chemicals, urban development, coastal constructions and tourism, mining and fishing.

  • By estimation 80% of the global fish stocks are already either fully or over exploited.

  • Overfishing causes the needles death of millions of marine animals every year. Marine biodiversity is under threat as the reproduction doesn’t meet the consumption’s demand. Divers hunt for species up to 200m in depth. The food security of every nation is in danger.

  • The High Seas, where marine live is at its highest variety are under no protection. They are located beyond the Exclusive Economic Zones and as international waters, access to them is open to everyone.

  • Due to plastic and toxic pollution the contamination of marine wildlife can outnumber that of their environment times billions. Contamination travels through the food chain as bigger animals eat smaller ones and eventually get caught and eaten by humans. The UN provides you a ‘Front-row seat to ocean pollution’ explaining more about how we end up eating our own trash.

  • The majority of ocean pollution comes from the land. Nearly 90% is plastic-based, taking hundreds of years to degrade.

  • Plastics, chemicals, garbage and pesticides reach the sea through the atmosphere or drains. These are all factors that destroy or damage the biodiversity and reproduction within marine ecosystems.

  • Exploitation of natural resources has led to the creation of an island of garbage the size of Texas. Located at the North Pacific Gyre there the waste outnumbers marine life six to one. Many sources including UNESCO touch on the dreadful impact of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

  • Developing countries do not treat up to 70% of the industrial and water waste.

  • Data by the International Maritime Organization states that over half of sea-transported cargoes are a health hazard. Yet, shipping remains the way of trading 90% of fuel, food and other materials worldwide.

  • The global climate changes lead to an increase of the land, air and water surface temperatures. This harms all live on the planet and negatively impacts the climate of the continents.

Mistreating our oceans has created global issues with catastrophic effects. Sustaining healthy marine environment is vital and people are the key. Anyone can reduce the harm to the Largest Living Space on Earth and help all inland communities in the process.  Limit your water and plastic consumption, recycle, join local clean-ups, avoid pesticides and keep updated with ocean threats. There are also many non-profits dedicated to resolving some of the global ocean and marine wildlife issues.

By joining this conversation, you are already attempting positive changes with global effects. Follow NOMADSofORIGIN into the mission to help local communities prosper and preserve their cultural scene.



NOMADSofORIGIN is an independent annual publication with a focus on sustainable travelling and global cultural values. Each issue features interviews, engaging articles and photo guides, which take our nomadic readers through different destinations and introduce them to local people's perspectives.



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